Good morning skiers! We have a trace of new and 25 degrees this morning at 9 am.
New today is that the Sprint Loop has been groomed for skate and classic! It’s a fun test piece and perhaps we will organize a “Strava” race here in the near future.
Trails are freshly groomed today for skate. Classic is mostly left from yesterday. Good skiing today!
He have opened the entire Beaver Creek Trail from Plain to Thousand Trails. A few rough/thin sections at Hot Tub Hill and the Hitching Post. Be very careful in these two sections! Icy thin descent on Hot Tub Hill.
Trail passes are available online, Plain Hardware or Old Mill Cafe. Rentals at the Old Mill Cafe.
Snowshoe trails are still closed due to low snowpack.
Have a great day of skiing!
Rob & Pierre, today’s groomer’s.