Time & Location
Feb 22, 2025, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Naches, 48850 US-12, Naches, WA 98937, USA
About the Event
Race entry is no charge. Technique is Classic. Course inspection starts 9:00 AM. 5 km Race for U16 - U18 start 10:30 // 2 km Race for U12 - U14 start 11:15 // 1 km Race for U8 - U10 start 11:45 // .3 km for the younger first year skiers start 12:15 - Lollipop race start 12:30. Awards to follow. White Pass Nordic race parking is along the north side of SR 12 to the east of the Cracker Barrel store. Enter the trail system from the designated truck chain up area, just west of the Pacifc Crest Trail sign. Follow signage a short distance to the Nordic trail. There will be sleds to transport gear to the Corral Loop start/finish area. The Truck Chain Up Area can be used as a unload/loading zone, but it is marked as a no parking zone.