Good morning skiers! We should have a great day of skiing on tap! Trails all trails have fresh grooming today for skate and classic was left from yesterday and it's in good shape. Thinks are thin at the Hitching Post so be aware of that. We have an overnight low of 21, yesterday's high was 44, and it is 25 degrees at 8:30 AM. No new snow. Today's picture is from Meadow Loop looking south towards Leavenworth. Overall some great skiing out there and it should stay firm for much of today due to the low overnight temps.
PARKING LOT CLOSURE: The Beaver Creek Trailhead (near Stonewater) parking lot is closed as the parking lot was turning into a mud bog. Use Clear Creek Trailhead as on option.
The 4th Annual Tour de Plain is going on today through the 12th. This is a QR code self timed race offering two distances. More info at: www.skiplain.com/tourdeplain
Trail passes are required and can be purchased at Plain Hardware or online at www.skiplain.com. Please have your pass visible while on the trails or keep your phone handy to show your e-ticket if you purchased online.
Jason and Rob D were today's groomers.
Have fun out there!
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager