Good morning, skiers! Today we have completed grooming trails for skate and left classic tracks from yesterday.
We have overcast conditions, no new snow, and 27 degrees at 9 am. The overnight low was 26 and yesterday’s high was 31.
Almost all trails are open. Be very careful at Hot Tub Hill at Mt. Springs Lodge. Icy and low snow. I suggest you walk this short 50’ section.
Please stay on the groomed ski trail at all times. DO NOT SKI ON SLEIGH TRAIL AND OVER THE BRIDGE at Mt. Springs Lodge.
Trail passes are required at all times on your person. Passes are available at Plain Hardware or at ski rentals at Old Mill Cafe. Passes are also available on-line at
Really good skating today. The classic tracks are well used and we will re-set with new snow in the near future.
Caleb and Pierre, today’s groomer’s.