Good morning skiers! We have fresh skate grooming on all trails today, and fresh classic on all trails south of Mt. Springs. It is currently 33 degrees at 9 AM and we have broken skies, no precipitation. Classic might be the better for the day!
The PVNT junior team had some really good results from the SoHo SuperQualifier in Park City this weekend. One standout result was Jed Stay, winning the U14 race with a 31 second margin! Full results of yesterday's skate distance races are here: https://zone4.ca/race/2024-01-27/131b7f0e/results
PVST trail passes are required to ski on the trails. They can be purchased at Plain Hardware or online at www.SkiPlain.com. XC ski and snowshoe rentals are available at Plain Hardware as well.
Today's groomers were Jason and Rob D.
Have fun out there!
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager