Good morning skiers! Yes ... it is snowing this morning! We have about 1-1/2" of new and now just light flurries. It did start snowing while we were grooming so there is new snow on top of our fresh groom. We did take the PB100 Snowcat north to Clear Creek Trailhead and set both classic and skate. It is currently 31 degrees at 9 AM.
TRAILHEAD/PARKING CLOSURE AT BEAVER CREEK TRAILHEAD: Due to the lot being muddy (it's a hay field in the summer) we have closed this lot. Use Clear Creek Trailhead as on option.
PVST trail passes are required and can be purchased at Plain Hardware or online at www.SkiPlain.com. Please make sure your pass is showing while you are on the trails. If you purchased your ticket online, please have your phone handy to show your e-ticket.
Grooming last night by Rob D and Jason.
Have fun out there!
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager