Good morning skiers! A beautiful morning out there with sun, clouds, and flurries in a light breeze. It is currently 27 and temps are forecast to drop from there down to a forecast low of -2 tonight. The breeze is brisk so bring your neck gaiter and sunglasses. Trails have fresh classic and skate on the BCT, Swamp Creek Loop, and Clear Creek Loop. Fresh skate everywhere else. About 1" of new snow overnight. Trails have good coverage and skiing will be very good today. Groomer's choice is skate! We did take the PB100 snowcat north to Clear Creek Lodge so the entire BCT is in great shape. Today's picture is near Stonewater Ranch and the BCT.
We will continue to groom throughout the forecast cold snap so you can count on fresh grooming every day.
For our Trailhead Ambassadors at Meadow Loop Trailhead, we do have propane heat inside the cabin, now hooked up to a 5 gallon tank.
Rob D and Gus were today's groomers.
See you on the trails!
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager