Good morning skiers! We have another beautiful, sunny, crisp day! As of 9:00 AM, the temp is 25 degrees with clear skies. Yesterday's high was 44 and the low was 19. Just a reminder that we will be limiting our grooming just a bit, so be sure to check back daily.
We set track on the Meadow Loop trails, BCT to Mtn. Springs and Sprint loop yesterday evening when things were still soft. The tracks set up well and are frim, well formed . We did the skate lanes in the same areas after it set up but early enough for the grooming to set. It should be great! Up valley we groomed the skate lanes on the BCT between Stonewater and Swamp Creek as well as Stonewater Loop, Shotgun Meadow and Swamp Creek loop. It has been staying firmer up valley in the afternoon, if the Meadow Loop trails soften to much for you, head up to the Beaver Creek Parking and ski from there.
Today's picture is from the BCT near the Meadow Loop trail head.

TRAIL RE-ROUTE - BEAVER CREEK TRAIL AT MT. SPRINGS - Each spring the Yakima Indians plant fish in a pond just north of Hot Tub Hill. To get to the pond with their large truck they have to plow the ski trail down to dirt in that area. As horse sleigh rides are done for the year, we have permission to route the trail over the horse bridge, connecting back to the BCT just past the Hitching Post area.
TRAIL CLOSURE - SOUTH SIDE GRIZZLY MOUNTAIN - We have a growing melt out on the south side so we have decided to close that side. You can still ski to the summit viewpoint from the north side trail (original route).
Still great skiing out there, get it while it lasts!
Today's groomer was Rob D.
Happy Skiing!
Rob D