Good morning skiers! We have fresh skate and classic grooming on the Meadow Loop Trails, Sprint Loop, and the BCT between Plain and Mt. Springs. This was groomed with the PB100 and completed last night giving it ample time to firm up overnight. Temps dropped down to 30 degrees so it is firm and fast this morning. It is currently snowing lightly with only a trace of new snow. North of the Hitching Post at Mt. Springs Lodge we have set fresh skate, a bit of classic, and the bulk of the classic is in good shape from yesterday. This was groomed with the Ginzu groomer. All trails are open and snow covered, however the road crossing at the bottom of Hot Tub Hill is melted out and you need to take your skis off to cross.
This was certainly a busy weekend of ski racing! The US hosted the first World Cup race in the US in many years. US skier Gus Schumacher shocked the world with his win on Sunday, his first World Cup win and to do it on home turf was the icing on the cake! This weekends successes will ripple throughout the US Nordic community for years to come, elevating XC skiing to new levels.

Trail passes are required and can be purchased at Plain Hardware or online at www.skiplain.com.
TRAILHEAD/PARKING CLOSURE: BEAVER CREEK TRAILHEAD IS CLOSED due to muddy conditions in the lot. Please use Clear Creek Trailhead as an alternative.
Grooming by Jason and Caleb.
Have fun out there!
Rob Whitten
Trails Manager